Facilities Use Request Form

To schedule an event, please first check our public calendar for conflicts, and then please submit your Facilities Use Request by filling out this form.
(allow time for set-up before and clean-up after)
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
The representative named above will accept responsibility for communicating the SGUUF policies and procedures for use of the facilities to your organization and will accept the responsibility for any damage done to the SGUUF Facilities or any problems that may occur during the event(s).

Expectations of those who use the SGUUF facilities:

- The named contact person for the group or organization will accept the responsibility for contacting the identified SGUUF Facilities Team for access to and the closing of the facility.

- The requesting group/organization is expected to leave the facilities in the same condition the space used was in previously with all trash disposed of in the proper garbage or recycling containers.  A $50 refundable cleaning deposit will be charged

- Any damage to the SGUUF facilities or problems that occur during the usage period will be reported to the identified SGUUF facility contact person.

- A usage fee of $30/hour is charged to cover the cost of utilities for the use of the facilities

- A key deposit of $50 is charged and refunded when the key is returned at the end of the use period

- The key deposit and cleaning fee deposit are to be paid to SGUUF two days prior to the dates requested and the utility fee charges will be assessed and expected to be paid at the end of the use period.

A SGUUF Facility Contact Person will be assigned to the Representative named above when this Facility Request Form is approved by the SGUUF Board, submitted to the Facilities Team, and added to the SGUUF Calendar of Events.

SGUUF Address: 1322 E University Ave, Georgetown, TX 78626

Emergency telephone number:  (512) 743-5773


To schedule an event, please first check our public calendar for conflicts, and then please submit your Facilities Use Request by filling out this form.